Center of Unified Healing
Connect to your Life Purpose
and be in harmony with
Soulful Living
Spiritual Coaching
We often find ouselves wanting to communicate with someone that can assist with the questions you have and also the challenges you face without judgment.
In so doing a spiritual counseller can assist in this process.
Life your life in accordance with your dreams which is in line with your life purpose and be the person you are meant to be with soulful living.​
to possibilities and new ways of thinking, with tools for you to take home with you.
This helps with the healing process of conditioned patterns you may be carrying.
You can feel much lighter in yourself as you transform and atract new possiblilities with renewed perspectives.
The Full Moon Circle is a good place to develop your spirituality and consciousness.
It is also good to be part of a group.
The Circle offers many learning tools
and commences with a talk on the astrological momentum for the new and full moon.
This gives you an understanding of the planetary influences and rhythms,
and how they affect your every day life.
The Circles help you gain respect and love for yourself.
This is followed by a variation of meditative practises, spiritual healing exercises,
and chakra balancing experiences.
A wonderfully calming and centering experience for the members.
- For more information go to Contact us
Soul Contract Sessions and Meditations
Looking to solve recurring issues and regain balance?
Do you feel unworthy?
This might come from a past life.
By regressing back to a particular life time can open you to a new awareness to handle what is going on with you now in a clearer way.
If you have questions please contact me.
To book please go to contact us.
Are you tense?
Do you beat yourself up when something goes wrong?
Maybe you are not kind with yourself?
Inner child sessions can help enlighten you and capture your inner being once more.
You can feel so much better about you.
If you would like to book go to contact.
The Zen Healing Aroma Session
This is a body treatment combining aromatherapy with crystals, meditation and healing.
Go to Zen Healing Sessions for more information.
For any issues around Diet and ailments
we recommend Sophie who is a Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist.
For Crystal Healing Session with Reiki atunement
contact Anna Acerbi on:
If any of these areas above relate to you
book a free consultation now. Book here
Please note that any medication or doctor's advice is respected and these sessions do not replace what is required from your doctor's advice.
Concessions will be considered
Eilyen Feirbairn Cert Ed., Theosophist, Past Life Regressionist, Aromatherapist, Author, NLP.
Eilyen Feirbairn Cert Ed., Theosophist, Past Life Regressionist, Aromatherapist, Author, NLP.
Thank you for taking the time to visit the
Center of Unified Healing
Let me tell you how it all started:
It all began when I was a little girl. I experienced back pain.
The pain was there all the time, even at night time waking me up
in the early hours of the morning.
After being diagnosed by the hospital at the age of 17, that I had a condition that would not permit me to dance or do a sitting down job, the search for alternative ways began.
I learned so much about body alignment
and the relationship to the mind,
I learned about energy fields, meridians, chakras, crystals,
past life regression, meditations,
re-birthing, Feldenkrais method, osteopathy etc. All of these allowed me to understand how wonderfully the relationship between mind and body and soul are all one.
Within two years I became a dance and movement therapy teacher and performer in dance movement.
I did many courses in healing from aromatherapy, shiatsu
pressure points and meridians, counselling, re-birthing,
past life regression and inner child regression
It is my pathway to be a healer and formulate an integrated spiritual healing method
which provides a platform for those who are ready to make changes and reach their potential and
Realise your dream
At present I am an author, teacher and spiritual coach and run Full Moon Circles.
I have a youtube channel called, @unifiedhealing
The channel currently holds several meditations which are calming, healing, and de-stressing
connecting soul, mind, and body wellness